When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.
Life is not a race, so take it slower.
Hear the music before the song is over.
You are part of the puzzle of someone else's life.
You may never know where you fit but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you.
So if you run out of reasons to live, remember that someone else's life may never be complete without you in it.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

YOU ARE MORE BEAUTIFUL THAN YOU THINK (Dove Real Beauty Sketches Ad #WeAreBeautiful)

"Ads on Youtube are annoying". 
I'm pretty sure most of people would agree on this. How couldn't? You click on video you're about to watch, and this ad peeps out (average duration is about seconds), it plays swiftly without halting, but when it comes to the main video, it takes time like forever. And you know, it becomes more annoying when it's an ad for minutes, AND none of "skip ad" button is around. Don't you just hate it?

I always thank the "skip ad" button and immidiately click on it, if any. But a moment I was glad that I didn't click on it. The ad was 3 minutes, though. This one wakes up my curiosity. By Dove one. Then I let it played. I was not disappointed.

This one has a strong point for you (especially women). Instead of spend more time to appreciate things we do like, as a woman, we tend to spend lots of time to analyze ourselves, and try to fix everything that aren't quite right. The point is, we should be thankful of our natural beauty, real beauty (which maybe everyone else can see it, but us!), because it impacts everything in our life.

I also was surprised by its way of delivering the message. Didn't expect the way how it touches, to be honest. You can see yourself other people testimonials. Many women must admit they cried for this commercial. Haha.

Well, check it out..

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