When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.
Life is not a race, so take it slower.
Hear the music before the song is over.
You are part of the puzzle of someone else's life.
You may never know where you fit but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you.
So if you run out of reasons to live, remember that someone else's life may never be complete without you in it.

Monday, April 21, 2014


According to major I’ve taken, makes sense that i will certainly apply for accounting (and things related to accounting) job after i graduated. Besides, I’d like to improve my foreign languages ability, English and Mandarin. For English, i will keep practicing more both in speaking, listening, and writing autodidactly (just like what i was and still am doing till present) with some helps from friends who speak English natively. And for Mandarin, I am planning to take a course so that makes up my superficial Mandarin. I am sure those foreign languages will able to boost my personal appeal when applying for a job.

Have I told you I also learning Indonesian sign language? Yes, I’ve been learning it for 4 months and I have to tell that’s the most awesome thing I’ve ever done in life. I am helping the deaf to study and better understand the Do(s) and Don’t(s) in life from their own Scriptures without being paid and without any charge. And I am planning to give attention to this matter even more after I graduated. Spending personal expenses and personal energy isn’t matter at all, but great pleasure as its fruitage from helping others especially those who have different ability (difable) is all that matter :)

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Gunadarma University (UG) is where I belong now as a colleger. As a World Class University (just like they claimed it is) it ideally expects majority of its students are good at English, at least simple conversational in English, since English is an international language that every world class university students should be good at. I myself took majoring in Accounting. I am an Indonesian and no speak English natively by the way :P (so feel free to correct the mistakes). But i do realize perfect English as my second language is very important to my major.


I’d bet many of you who took the same major didn’t think that it is necessary to learn or perfect English at the beginning, like me. You did may reckon that Accounting is all about numeric, formulas,  addition, subtraction, and other calculations, but that’s it. Well, we were not completely wrong. However, we forgot the important part, that Accounting is a social practice. In actual social practice as an accountant, we need to talk to people. Remember, an accountant will be dealing with a lot of people from various types of business, even the foreign ones. If we able to speak in their native language, English for example, it is easier to communicate with them and our ability to get things across will be improved.