When you run so fast to get somewhere, you miss the fun of getting there.
Life is not a race, so take it slower.
Hear the music before the song is over.
You are part of the puzzle of someone else's life.
You may never know where you fit but others will fill the holes in their lives with pieces of you.
So if you run out of reasons to live, remember that someone else's life may never be complete without you in it.

Thursday, January 30, 2014


(Tugas Softskill 2)

Rara bukan orang yang pandai dengan kata-kata. Jadi, waktu bu dosen beri tugas untuk menulis artikel “Siapa Saya?”, agak kalap juga. Jangankan mendeskripsikan diri sendiri, mendeskripksikan siapa itu Raden Nararya Sanggramawijaya saja Rara gak bisa (kenal juga ngga).

Tapi Rara anak yang taat, jadi disuruh kerjakan tugas, ya Rara kerjakan, meskipun kelewat sering mengeluarkan jurus “The Power of Kepepet” karena selalu mepet sama deadline. Hehe.

Well, these pieces ain’t gonna take you to my inner deepest, though.. Karena sekali lagi, tulisan ini lahir secara ‘kepepet’. So please bear with it, yea? Oke, here we go…..
